Friday, 20 December 2013

Why people shake hands with their right-hand.

Sometimes I just sit on the couch and begin to imagine a lot of things. Having a lot of thoughts flying crossways through my mind and I'll be like there are really somethings that we do, not just because someone else forces us to them or that there are some rules that prohibit us from doing them but we just do them subconsciously or consciously because we feel it is normal.  I'll give an insight of the picture I am trying to print out here. Have you ever thought about why ladies sit down and cross their legs(even when putting on trousers) and guys sit down with their legs wide open? Or why people meeting others shake with their right hand as a form of greeting?  Well that's exactly where am driving at.

Some people just feel its a normal phenomenon that occurs on its own. ..or could it be that because majority of the people on planet earth are right-handlers? and so thats why we shake with our dominant hand...the answer is capital NO!!

The truth of the matter is, this all started about a century ago.The English soldiers who were travelling around the world when they came from far places to meet their colleagues they raise their right hands to indicate that they meant no harm and come in peace as friendly parties. However, these right hands are normally used to draw thier swords towards their foes. So when they raise up thier right hand without swords then it meant peace.

Of course I know a lot of people who are free-thinkers may not go down well with this but its actually were it all started from... its more like a custom that we inherited from the ancient people of the world. If you look at it from this dimension,  why do we really shake hands?  There are many reasons why we shake hands. It could be for business purposes at the end of a deal between two parties they shake hands to show an affirmation that they have an agreement. Also,  it could be for pleasantries...maybe meeting someone for the first time and then you shake hands. But if you ask me I'll say shaking hands its like an expression of intimacy between two persons.
Although in some places of the world its like a taboo to shake hands especially when it has to do with case of the opposite sexs. They see it as insulting and ill-mannerisms shaking a lady rather a French kiss is much preferred or a kiss on the fingers like the Jews.

Another dimension we could see reasons why we shake people with our right-hands is for hygienic purposes, due to the fact that we
Do the wiping of our bottom in the toilet with the left hand. So it would be quite impolite to bring forth the hand you use in wiping your butts to shake hands with someone else.  However, ask yourself this question what if the person I am about to shake has no right-hand? Well in this case you have no choice but to shake with the left. You may not really notice for some quick seconds because you are used to shaking people with your right hand. So if you are fast enough you could quickly change to your left without the person that the person doesn't begin to feel uncomfortable. 

Posted by Carlbruce Nwajei. 

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